Pricing Structure

Limousines Nashville

Baltimore Party Bus Prices

Pricing Policies

Limousines Nashville

Limousines and party buses are affordable for everybody! At Limousines Nashville, we charge very reasonable rates. We are up front about all our costs, never sneaking any extra charges or hidden fees into your grand total. All charges that it is possible to accrue during the run are stated clearly in the contract. We will even tell you how to avoid them!

A two hundred dollar credit or debit card is necessary to reserve the limousine or party bus, but the remaining balance can be paid several different ways. We accept checks at least two weeks ahead of your pick up date, credit card payments at least 24 hours ahead of your pick up date, and cash to the driver at the time of pick up. This makes it easy to pay in one lump sum or to collect cash from your guests the day of your event. We will accommodate you, no matter which way you want to do it! If you go overtime, overages will be due in cash at the end of your run. The hourly rate that you paid for your contracted time is prorated in quarterly hours, so you won't have to pay for time you didn't use!

Contact us today for an accurate quote. Our booking specialists know the right questions to ask in order to set you up with the perfect vehicle for your occasion. Please have your desired date, pick up time, length of service, and number of passengers ready when you call, or include them in an email. Be sure to ask about our wedding, birthday, and afternoon packages. You never know what kind of deal you will get!


  • Deluxe leather interiors
  • Televisions with Blue Ray/DVD players
  • Audiophile grade stereo systems
  • CD players with iPod/MP3 inputs
  • Bars with coolers for your drinks
  • LED or Fiber Optic mood lighting throughout